Our Magnus Lifetime Replacement Guarantee is very simple. If at any time you break, bend or have a concern with any Magnus Broadhead, send it to us and we replace it. As an example: When you shoot through an animal and the broadhead hits a rock on the ground and is damaged, send it in and we replace it. ITS THAT SIMPLE!! PLEASE FOLLOW THESE DIRECTIONS FOR RETURNING BROADHEADS FOR WARRANTY REPLACEMENT... (Please note that the lifetime replacement guarantee applies to broadhead products only) Wrap the damaged broadhead so broadhead does not protrude thru wrapping. Please make sure you put in a padded envelope or a small box. Please include a letter stating which broadhead it is you are shipping to us along with your complete name and address and phone number. PLEASE DO NOT PUT IN A REGULAR ENVELOPE. THE BROADHEAD WILL NOT MAKE IT THRU THE POSTAL SYSTEM. We normally ship broadhead replacement the same day we receive. 

We recommend you ship by first class mail to:

Post Office Delivery

Magnus Outdoor Products

P.O. Box 1877

Great Bend, KS 67530


UPS, Fedex Delivery

Magnus Outdoor Products

800 Washington St.

Great Bend, KS 67530

P.O. Box 1877

Great Bend, KS 67530


Made In America

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© 2024 Magnus Broadheads | All Prices are in USD